How to integrate your Menu247 online ordering page with Stripe online payment gateway to accept card payments.
Customers now can pay for your goods and services via credit card. This is your own Stripe payment gateway to accept payments from customers directly into your bank account.
Why Stripe?
As at 01-04-2020, Stripe only charges 1.75% + $0.30 (AUD) per transaction making stripe our preferred integrated payment gateway. It is the most economical and user friendly payment gateway for you to accept Credit Card Payments through Menu247 platform from your customers.
Instructions to Integrate:
1. Login to your merchant account and select Strip from the menu.
Enable the Payment Gateway.
Then Select Live.

2. Copy and Paste “Live Secret key” and “Live Publishable Key” from Stripe ( Gateway > Developers > API Keys Section in to Manu247 Stripe Configuration Page.

3. Go to Stripe ( Gateway > Developers > Webhooks and then “Add Endpoint”
Insert “” to Endpoint Url
Select “checkout.session.completed” from “Events to sent” dropdown selection.
Press “Add Endpoint”

4. Finally, Copy and paste “Signing secret” from Webhook in to Manu247 Stripe Configuration Page.
Save Configuration on Menu247 Merchant Stripe Gateway Settings.